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See what other members have to say about their experience with us and feel free to share the love and post your experience too. Contact us to find out how or login to your member portal to post your testimonial today!

Connections & Resources

The Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce has been invaluable in helping us connect with the community and find essential resources as we established Shawarma County in Brooks.

Chickzy Restaurant Inc. o/a Shawarma County

Committee Engagement and Business Connections

I honestly couldn't be happier, thanks to the opportunity you guys provided me. I even have a couple of small companies as far as Calgary reaching out. If no one has told you this today, you are amazing, god sent.

Friendly Neighborhood

Great Collaboration with Our Local Chamber

Just Be TC Inc

Membership & Chamber Team

It is beneficial for companies to sign up for the Chamber.

Red Rock HR Ltd.

Chamber Team and Plan

Our team has been happy with our plan. The Chamber team is very approachable.

College Child Care Society of Medicine Hat

Chamber plan

Best plan and reasonable prices for everyone.

Willie's 24 HR. Towing Ltd.

The Chamber of Commerce

Joining the Chamber of Commerce has already proven to be a tremendous opportunity, and I am eager to contribute to the growth and success of our local business community.

Evolve Surface Strategies Inc


Not only does the Chamber provide valuable networking opportunities, but it also offers important resources such as educational workshops, marketing support, and government advocacy.

Paterson Consulting Inc.


They [Elavon] easily beat the fees we were paying so we decided to switch. The setup process was quick, and the customer service was immediate...

Brovac Mobile Vacuum Services


Most business owners and managers are extremely busy people. We don't always have the time we would like to devote to addressing business issues and concerns affecting our City and surrounding area.

Smith & Hersey Agribusiness Law

Chambers Group Insurance Plan

Once we switched to the Chambers Plan we never looked back. The service is professional and friendly, we’re updated as needed and we feel well-looked after.

College Child Care Society of Medicine Hat


Being a member of the Chamber of Commerce has provided Auto-Star with many networking opportunities and recognition. We have been nominated for many Chamber awards over the last several years, and have been fortunate enough to win on multiple occasions.

Auto-Star Compusystems Inc.


The Chamber provides a voice for businesses in Medicine Hat. As a member of the downtown business community, we have benefited from the advocacy role the Chamber has played. Networking and collaborating with members has also been beneficial in our growth

River Dental


The Chamber is an organization that is made up of members from all sectors of business, each of whom brings something special to our city. As a member, we have benefitted in many ways.

Paradise Valley Golf Course

Business Awards

We were surprised and honored to be considered for such a distinguished award.

Short Grass Ranches

Chambers Group Insurance Plan

The Chamber Plan has been a good fit for our company and employees. It is great to have access to all the benefits of this plan both as a business and for our employees that are enrolled.

Premium Sausage (2009) Inc.
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