Advocacy Insights
Advocacy Insights
Business advocacy is more than just representing interests—it’s about shaping policies that propel our entire region forward. Informed, collaborative advocacy is a pillar of a thriving business ecosystem. Plus we have taken our Chamber approved policies and policy wins and put them in plain language, so they're easy for anyone to understand.
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With U.S. tariffs being imposed against Canada, businesses should take the necessary steps to prepare for potentially disruptive U.S. trade measures as well as retaliatory measures by Canada. To support your preparations for these coming measures, we are providing regular updates as we receive them here.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Our Chamber of Commerce has been a long-time advocate for free trade, particularly when it comes to interprovincial trade, as we should have the easiest movements of goods within our own Country. So are you curious about how Alberta fits into interprovincial trade and free trade within Canada? Find out more.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
In October 2024, the Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce profiled our work with the Supply Chain department with the City of Medicine Hat over the last 5 years around some of the concerns expressed by our members related to procurement and purchasing. In March 2025, the City provided an updated information brief with the 2024 Supply Chain Annual Report.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of CommerceRepublished with permission from National Bank Financial Wealth Management Kunz Financial Group
Donald Trump has repeatedly stated the U.S. doesn’t need anything from Canada. Apparently, they don’t need our oil, lumber, uranium, copper, steel, aluminum, rare minerals, water, etc. He’s also stated numerous times he wants Canada to become the 51st state. These two statements aren’t congruent – why pressure Canada to merge with the U.S. if we don’t have anything they need?
National Bank Financial Wealth Management Kunz Financial Group
“We know this budget was made in a time with global tensions, economic uncertainty, volatile commodity prices and the threat of tariffs putting a lot of pressure on Albertans, businesses, and government revenues coupled with the ongoing challenge of reducing the provincial deficit and debt.” Steven Pudwell, Chamber of Commerce President
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Supporting our Downtown Business Community. We know that our local businesses contribute to economic growth, innovation, job creation, quality of life, community services, and overall community wellbeing.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Tariffs are the most urgent threat facing Canadian and American businesses today. Modelling from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's Business Data Lab suggests that these tariffs would come at a huge economic cost, reducing real annual income by $1,900 CAD per Canadian and $1,300 USD per American.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
The 30-day delay means more time for Canadian businesses and governments to drive home the point that tariffs between the two closest allies the world has ever known make no sense. The Canadian Chamber, our local Chamber, the Chamber Network across Canada, and businesses across the country will spend every day of it fighting hard to secure this historic, robust trading relationship. Visit the Trade Tracker
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
With upcoming tariffs now confirmed, the discussions during the First Ministers Meeting on rapidly advancing internal trade are move in the right direction. This is an issue the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber Network across Canada has long championed and is a serious win for every province and territory. But talk needs to turn into action.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Research by ICTC: Information and Communications Technology Council. Rural communities are both a critical component of the province’s economic health and key to a resilient and equitable rebound. Source: Cutean, A., Matthews, M., Seeding Rural Innovation: Nurturing the Tech Frontier in Alberta, Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC), September 2023. Ottawa, Canada.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Medicine Hat Economic Development and its regional partners are ready to put the Southeast Alberta Economic Opportunity Strategy (SAEOS), Implementation Framework, and Action Plan into action. The plan is the culmination of a 2023 directive for Medicine Hat Economic Development to complete a regional economic development strategy with a plan presented to City Council on January 20, 2025
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
The Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce, along with various partners within the Province of Alberta and State of Montana, have long advocated for improved services at the Port of Wild Horse. Following conversations recently this past fall and winter with the Land Border Crossing Stakeholder engagement team, we were pleased to hear of the planned improvements to the Wild Horse Port of Entry.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Alberta’s government has begun a provincewide study looking at more than 100 locations across the province for water storage. This study will be used to help the government plan long-term ways to maximize Alberta’s water supply, reduce the risk of future droughts and floods, and support thriving communities. Dams, reservoirs and other water storage infrastructure play a vital role in irrigation, drought management, water security, flood protection, and supporting a healthy environment.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Through recent amendments through the Government of Alberta Orders in Council on December 6, amendments to the Activities Designation Regulation and Conservation and Reclamation Regulation provide clarity for renewable energy developers on new and existing environmental protections.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
A sneak peek of our past 2023-2024 year: We’ve spent over 1200 dedicated hours in our advocacy and lobby efforts over the past year, including over 70 meetings with Government representatives and hosting 26 different advocacy events, along with meetings on issues specific to the business community. We were pleased to see this work pay off in the progress we are starting to see.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
We were pleased to attend the Canadian Chamber AGM and annual convention in Halifax, Nova Scotia with our Alberta Chamber delegation. Alberta carried 33% of the national Chamber voting delegation with 103 Chambers represented in person or by proxy. In addition to the Chamber's Executive Director receiving her Level 3 accreditation certification renewal, the delegates participated in various sessions.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
The Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce has been pleased to work with the Supply Chain department with the City of Medicine Hat over the last 5 years around some of the concerns expressed by our members related to procurement and purchasing. We were pleased to see the procurement policy and protocols reviewed and updated in August 2023...
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
In February 2024 we contacted our member liquor store companies about the Government of Alberta's consideration regarding permitting grocery stores to sell liquor, similar to the US model of open markets and the recent commitment by Ontario to expand opportunities for liquor sales.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Off-site levies provide a mechanism to recover capital costs incurred for infrastructure to support growth and development. Developers are responsible for any on-site costs as a result of their growth and development, whereas offsite levies are for infrastructure that is off the development site, but supports growth. Off-site levies may be used only to pay for all or part of the capital cost of any or all of the following...
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
In April 2024, the Chamber responded to our members' request to establish a forum for businesses in the health and wellness sector to connect and share ideas and perspectives and a way to get to know other businesses in the health and wellness sector for both regulated and unregulated industries. One of the first issues considered was the Federal Self-Care Framework and the impact on Natural Health Products.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
The Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) program has allowed Canadian employers to hire foreign workers to fill temporary jobs when qualified Canadians are not available. The TFW program was created in 1973 and has four main streams: low and high wage, primary agriculture and global talent. There has been a lot of controversy around the program more recently in the media and there have been recent change to the program.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Concerns have surfaced once again on improvements to air service and we are finding a need to re-instate our policy with updated background information and recommendations to reflect the current situation with air service in our region. We are reigniting our advocacy to improve air service in our community..
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
The Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce (formerly the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce) has been pleased to work with the Supply Chain department with the City of Medicine Hat over the last 5 years around some of the concerns expressed by our members related to procurement and purchasing.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
We were pleased to see that Alberta’s government is improving Class 1 licensing and training with a new, made-in-Alberta learning pathway for professional truck drivers. Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) became a new pre-licensing requirement for Class 1 commercial drivers in Alberta on March 1, 2019. Since then, insurance claims have risen for Class 1 drivers and MELT has been identified by the trucking industry as one of the leading factors contributing to the ongoing commercial driver shortage...
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
There is a lot of evidence that corporate taxes affect business decisions. In an effort to continue to attract businesses to Alberta, we supported a policy in 2022 aiming to keep corporate income tax rates low in Alberta.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
"Policy" might mean different things to different people. To help get a sense of what "policy" means to the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce, we've put together a blog to help clarify our process.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
Alberta Transmission Capacity Upgrades was a policy that has been marked as a success...but what did we succeed in doing?
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce
In Alberta, we know that Agriculture is vital to our economy...but most Albertans don't quite know how it all works. We are currently advocating for a policy to include ag education in our school curriculum.
Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce