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Building A Unified Voice for Agriculture: Agriculture Updates, Supports, and News: November 2024

Building A Unified Voice for Agriculture: Agriculture Updates, Supports, and News: November 2024

Agriculture Updates since October 2024


AFSC Annual Crop Insurance deadline is November 15th More Here

AgSafe Alberta Launches FARMERS CARE Level 4
AgSafe Alberta is proud to announce the launch of the fourth and final stage in its FARMERS CARE program.
FARMERS CARE Level 4 is now available at This free program provides valuable safety information in an accessible and engaging format that agricultural producers can navigate at their own pace.

Saving Alberta Farmers Time and Money
Changes to Agriculture Financial Services Corporation’s (AFSC) AgriStability program will reduce paperwork and lower costs for producers. Learn More

Calling Women in Agriculture
Are you ready to take the next step in your leadership journey? The Women in Agriculture Essential Leadership Skills Development Program is a 10-week, online micro credential designed to empower women in agriculture with the skills, confidence, and tools to thrive as leaders. From communication strategies and trust-building to navigating bias and emotional intelligence, this program equips you to lead with purpose and impact. Find out More

Standing up for Alberta’s Livestock Industry
Proposed federal legislation would damage Alberta’s livestock industry, potentially placing arbitrary restrictions on producers, processors and consumers in a pandemic. More Here

Beef Resources for 4-H Leaders Now Available
The Beef Cattle Research Council is pleased to offer resources and tools for the next generation of beef cattle producers. Find Them Here

On the Radar: Trends in U.S. Ag and Food that Could Impact Canada in 2025
There’s an old adage that says, “when the U.S. sneezes, Canada catches a cold.” This is undoubtably true in the ag and food sectors. Read the Article Here

Improving Animal Health and Welfare
Agriculture Canada recently announced up to $13,343,409 over five years to Animal Health Canada for three projects through the AgriAssurance Program – National Industry Association component, an initiative under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. Learn More

How to Request a Final Quality Determination
If you disagree with a licensed primary elevator’s assessment of your grain, you have up to 7 calendar days to request a Final Quality Determination from the Canadian Grain Commission. You can request this on your grain's official grade or any individual grading factor including moisture, protein and dockage. Learn More

Canada Brand Program
Canada Brand helps global consumers recognize Canadian food and beverage products and showcases Canada's diverse range of products.
Canadian agriculture and agri-food exporters are invited to sign up as a member of the Canada Brand program. As a member, companies will gain free access to a suite of digital branding tools including video content, animated graphics, branded GIFs and digital stickers, a photo library, and inclusion of a member profile in the online Canada Brand member directory. Find It Here

Connecting Women in Agriculture
Join Farm Credit Canada for a free, four-part virtual event series celebrating women’s contributions to the agriculture industry and sharing insights to help overcome challenges.
Hosted by Katelyn Duban of the Rural Woman podcast, each event highlights a different expert and topic including mental health, finances, HR on the farm, and pro-active transition planning. Learn More

Larger Fines for Illegal Slaughter, Uninspected Meat
The sale of uninspected meat is illegal in Alberta. Illegal slaughter and food safety non-compliance pose a risk to human and animal health and could harm Alberta’s entire livestock and meat processing industry. Learn More

2024 Dairy Outlook Update: A Turnaround Year for Producers
A string of positive events has occurred this year for the dairy industry, which is a welcome relief to producers who have recently, on the whole, endured multiple tighter-than-normal years. More Here

Keep Treated Seed out of Grain Deliveries
The Canadian Grain Commission reports an increase in treated seed in grain deliveries. A reminder to keep treated seed out of deliveries by inspecting equipment and bins before harvest, before transferring grain between bins, and before transferring grain to a truck or railcar. Learn More

Bacterial Leaf Streak - Key Management Strategies
Bacterial Leaf Streak (BLS) is a bacterial disease of increasing concern on the Canadian prairies. BLS is caused by a bacterium with multiple strains that can infect crop plants including wheat, barley, oats, triticale and rye. Learn More

Updated Crop Quality Reports
The Canadian Grain Commission crop quality reports for Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) and Canadian Western Amber Durum (CWAD) wheat have been updated with data as of October 24. Find the Here

Feed Testing
When sampling stored silage and high-moisture grains, wait a minimum of four weeks after ensiling before sampling to allow the fermentation process to be stabilized. More Here

Data Literacy Program for Cow-Calf Producers
This program has been designed to help producers improve herd management and optimize profitability. The program encourages the digitalization of records by showcasing benchmarking production and economic data of Canadian operations and explaining how data can drive better decision-making concerning feeding strategies, reproduction and health management.  Learn More

Women in Ag Awards
Women play a crucial role in Alberta’s agriculture, ranching and agribusiness sectors, making significant contributions that drive the industry forward. AFSC’s Women in Ag Award celebrates and honours these inspiring women who are breaking barriers, championing innovation, and leading with passion.
Nominations for AFSC’s Women in Ag Awards are now open until January 6, 2025. Learn More

2024 Harvest Wrap-Up
As the 2024 growing season comes to a close, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation RJ Sigurdson issued the following statement:
"While many Albertans were enjoying beautiful fall days with above-average temperatures, farmers were working around the clock to get crops off their fields before the weather turned. I commend their continued dedication to growing quality crops, putting food on tables across the province and around the world. More Here

Post-Harvest Stem Count
A reminder from the Canola Council of Canada to take post-harvest stem counts to evaluate field uniformity, survivability and if target plant stands were reached. Producers can enter their data in the Canola Counts survey tool. Counting Stems

Helping Kids Lead with Heart, Head, Hands and Health
A new investment in 4-H Alberta will offer the province’s youth new opportunities to get into agriculture. Learn More

Rat on Rats!
For more than 70 years, Alberta has proudly been rat-free, meaning the province prevents the pest from establishing a permanent population while swiftly dealing with any infestations.
Through Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership funding to the Alberta Invasive Species Council, the governments of Canada and Alberta are reminding Albertans to “Rat on Rats!”
The $110,000 investment will fund billboards and outreach materials encouraging Albertans to report rats and rat signs. Rat on Rats

Blackleg Management
Blackleg in canola can cause yield and quality losses, impact profitability and may create a market risk.
To help manage the disease and maintain the effectiveness of varieties’ genetic resistance, growers are encouraged to employ an integrated blackleg management strategy, including pre-harvest scouting for the disease, rotating crops, and growing and rotating resistant varieties. Learn More

Order your Blue Book
The Blue Book is a longstanding and trusted resource for Alberta farmers and agronomists, providing current pesticide application information. With over 700 pages of valuable crop protection information, spraying guidelines and farm safety, The Blue Book is an essential tool for every farming operation. Order it Here

Adaptive Winter Grazing Strategies
Extended grazing can play a key role in lowering feed costs and can have positive benefits for the health of the land. Some of these benefits include more even manure distribution across fields, less corral cleaning, improved soil fertility and overall reduced fuel use on the operation. More Here

Free Counselling Support for Farmers
Thanks to support from ATB Financial, AgKnow's free counselling support for farmers, farm families, farm employees, veterinarians and veterinary technicians relaunched this month. Learn More

Income Splitting Rules: How to Make the Most of Your Taxes
The ins and outs of Canada’s tax on split income rules are complex. Depending on the structure of your farm and the age of family members working with you, exemption rules may be available for your farm’s use.
Here are some key points to understanding Canada’s tax on split income rules: Find them Here

Funding Updates 

This Giving Season, Earn up to $5,000 in Match Funding Through Crowdfunding Alberta
With the giving season right around the corner, now is the perfect time to get started on your first or next Crowdfunding Alberta campaign. Crowdfunding Alberta is an online fundraising program developed specifically for Alberta’s non-profit/voluntary sector organizations, such as agricultural societies. Through Crowdfunding Alberta, 50% of donations made to campaigns, within eight weeks of launching online, will be matched by government up to $5,000 per organization per year (April 1 – March 31). 
Learn More

Better Community Drought and Flood Protection
Drought conditions affected parts of the province this summer, while other communities have faced flooding in recent years. Building the local infrastructure needed to protect residents, property and critical infrastructure is costly, but necessary.
To help, more than $19 million is now available through the Drought and Flood Protection Program to help communities build the infrastructure they need. This is part of the five-year, $125-million program that’s helping municipalities and First Nations protect critical infrastructure from flooding and drought and improve public safety. 
Learn More

Alberta Export Expansion Program (AEEP) Accepting Applications
AEEP funding helps Alberta export-ready small- and medium-sized enterprises, industry associations, Indigenous organizations and economic development organizations, enhance access to international markets and attract global buyers. Apply Here

On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) Re-opens for a Limited Number of Applications
After reviewing and approving more than 1,000 applications, RDAR recently announced the re-opening of the 2024 OFCAF program for an additional intake of 150 funding applications. The new intake will fulfill RDAR’s commitment to distributing all available OFCAF funds to Alberta producers, enabling them to adopt impactful, sustainable changes on their farms and ranches. More Here
ARGO online application system

Funding Opportunities
Curious which funding stream is right for you?
RDAR currently has two opportunities open to access funding:
    Accelerating Agricultural Innovations 2.0
    Producer Research and Evaluation Program
Learn more about RDAR funding opportunities here

Grant Funding for Alberta Producers
Alberta producers, processors and organizations who are looking to secure funding for an upcoming project through Sustainable CAP should be mindful of where they are getting information. Learn More Here

New Sustainable Agricultural Partnership program
The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership has launched a new program called the On-Farm Efficiency Program (OFEP). OFEP was created by combining the past Farm Technology Program and Efficient Grain Handling Program, along with some new opportunities that were selected in response to industry feedback collected in the fall of 2023. The intent of the On-Farm Efficiency Program is to support producers in achieving environmental benefits by improving the efficient use of agricultural inputs. The Program funds primary producers to carry out projects that optimize the use of inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides and energy. When inputs reach their targets with precision, it is a win-win for producers and the environment: producers save money, fewer inputs are applied off-target, and fewer emissions are released to the atmosphere. This program has four Streams. An applicant may apply to any or all of the Program Streams:

  • Smart Farm Technology
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Farm Security
  • Efficient Grain Handling

The program opened for applications on August 14, 2024 and funding is retroactive to April 1, 2023. Eligible expenses are funded at a cost-share rate of 50%. The funding maximum per applicant is $150,000 over the duration of the Program (2023-2028). The maximum funding per Stream over the duration of the Program is: $50,000 for Smart Farm Technology, $50,000 for Energy Efficiency, $2,000 for Farm Security, and $100,000 for Efficient Grain Handling. For some Eligible Items, there is a maximum grant stated in the Funding List.

While on the Sustainable CAP website go to the bottom of the home page, enter your email, and click ‘send’ to start receiving regular Sustainable CAP updates. Please visit the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership page for program information, including how to apply. 

Agriculture Labour Task Force Grant Program 
This grant supports producers and processors recruit, hire, and retain workers in the agriculture and agri-food industry. Two grant streams are available. One to improve awareness of related careers and another to support improving HR practices and capacity. Find out more.

AgriDiversity Program
The AgriDiversity Program aims to help under-represented groups in Canadian agriculture, including youth, women, Indigenous Peoples, and persons with disabilities, to fully participate in the sector by helping these groups address the key issues and barriers they often face for sector participation. Find out more.

4 Key Details to Know About Venture Capital Funding
What food and beverage processors need to know about accessing funds through venture capital funding. Learn More

Producer Research and Evaluation Program
RDAR's Producer Research and Evaluation Program (PREP) was created to support on-farm research allowing producers to evaluate emerging technologies, products and production practices. On-farm research will support new strategies to be tested within unique farm conditions and to support decision making with data advancing profitability, competitiveness and sustainability.
The maximum total funding available for PREP is $1 million in 2024 Learn more about RDAR funding

Sowing Seeds of Success for Future Farmers
Agriculture is essential to Alberta’s history, economy and future prosperity. Over the past 20 years, the number of young and middle-aged producers in agriculture has seen steep declines, while the number of farmers over 55 has increased. The province is aiming to help reverse that trend with changes to Agriculture Financial Services Corporation’s Next Generation Loan program (Next Gen). More Here

Enhancing the Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) program  
The governments of Alberta and Canada are enhancing the Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) program with a $1.9 million investment to support Alberta Beef Producers. Last year, beef was Alberta's largest agri-food export at $3.9 billion, making up 22 per cent of the province’s total. Under this initiative, farmers and ranchers can receive up to $5,000 for expenses that align their operations with VBP+ certification guidelines. Learn more 

Supporting Genomics Innovation in Alberta
New funding from the province will support cutting-edge genomics research in health, agriculture and environmental technology. The province is investing $15 million over three years into Genome Alberta, a not-for-profit research funding organization working toward a better future through genomic innovation. Read More Here

Protecting Communities from Drought and Floods
Drought and floods can damage homes and businesses, disrupt critical infrastructure and, in extreme scenarios, pose a serious threat to public safety. In recent years, the impacts of drought and flooding have been felt across Alberta. More Here - Drought and Flood Protection Program

Labour Resources

Dive into issue #6 of AgriWorkforce Matters
"It’s harvest time for many of you, and as we edge away from the warmer months of summer and into the cooler days and nights of fall, we know that soon Canadians from every region will be gathering at Thanksgiving tables laden with the fruits (and every other kind of food) of your labour." - Jennifer Wright, Executive Director Read it Here

2024 Survey of Compensation Practices in Canadian Agriculture - Executive Summary Report
Across Canada, the highly competitive nature of the talent marketplace has made it an increasingly difficult landscape for agricultural producers to navigate. This salary survey and human resource benchmarking initiative equips producers with relevant and practical data resources to better compete in today’s workplace. More Here

Free Counselling Sessions
Farming is 24-7-365, but you don't have to handle it alone. Get support from AgKnow's farm-informed counsellors and get up to four free counselling sessions. This program covers counselling sessions for farmers, their families, farm employees, veterinarians and registered veterinarian technicians. Learn more and book a counselling session.

Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)
Growing Opportunities through the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) is available. Visit the SWPP Application Page and complete the online application form. If you'd like to learn more about SWPP, including eligibility criteria and detailed program information, please visit the website. For any questions or additional information, reach out to Megan Lockhart at

Phase 2 of the Recognized Employer Pilot under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program
Employers are now able to submit applications for positions on Service Canada’s Phase 2 Recognized Employer Pilot (REP) occupations list. These 84 occupations are in high-demand and show shortage conditions based on the Canadian Occupational Projection System assessment of recent labour market conditions (2019-2021). The deadline to submit applications to become a recognized employer is September 16, 2024, however recognized employers will continue to have access to simplified applications for the 84 designated occupations until the end of the pilot on December 31, 2026. If you have questions on the REP, please visit or contact the Employer Contact Centre

Health and Safety on Alberta Farms and Ranches
A guide to rights and obligations for farmers and workers under Alberta's OHS legislation. Provides information about hazard identification and control, incident reporting and investigations. 

AgSafe FarmSafe Plan Learning Program Launched
This is a free, self-paced learning program that introduces Alberta producers to health and safety fundamentals and explains how to apply this information to their specific operations. It was designed for both family farms and farms with employees. It will walk you through creating a farm-specific health and safety program, explain why these elements are needed, and support you in putting your farm’s health and safety program into action. Learn more and register.

If you have farm-specific health and safety questions or require support relating to health and safety on your farm, please contact AgSafe Alberta at   You may be eligible for onsite farm visits and up to 10 hours of advisor support at no cost!

Agriculture Job Connector: 

We were pleased to launch our partnership with the Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council at our Ag-Forum on February 21. For anyone interested in the HR toolkit, please use this QR code to gain access to the free HR Toolkit offered during the program.

Events, Webinars and Podcasts

FCC Events including Business Plan Boot Camp & Young Farmer Summit:

Agri-News online - and upcoming events

Grazing Basics for Success Workshop Series

Ag Connections Conference, Medicine Hat November 20
Field of Mind: Supporting men's mental well-being, virtual - November 21
Agri-Food Innovation Expo, Lethbridge - November 26-28
2024 Global Crop Producing Conference, virtual - December 11
Harnessing Humics: A Webinar on Soil Health Innovations, virtual - December 16

Other Resources

As always, you can always find more agribusiness resources on our website:

If you know of someone who may be interested in the work we are doing and might be interested in investing in this work through membership, please feel free to refer them to us. You can also encourage others to subscribe to our agriculture updates through this page. We look forward to continuing our work with you and pushing for our collective priorities on your behalf.

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