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Building A Unified Voice for Agriculture: Agriculture Updates, Supports, and News: October 2022

Building A Unified Voice for Agriculture: Agriculture Updates, Supports, and News: October 2022

Agriculture Updates since September 16

Advocacy in Action 

Amalgamation Voting Open for Alberta Wheat and Barley Farmers
The Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council (Marketing Council) is conducting two plebiscites on the question of amalgamation of the Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley Commission. Voting instructions and voting credentials were mailed to all eligible wheat and barley producers on September 30. For further information, visit Marketing Council’s Alberta Wheat Commission and Alberta Barley Commission plebiscites website.If you have any questions regarding the plebiscites, contact Marketing Council at 780-427-2164 or 
Plebiscite voting closes at noon on November 1, 2022.

A Deep Dive Into Consumer and Producer Views Towards Sustainability in Agriculture
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) recently conducted focus groups with consumers and producers to explore their perceptions of sustainable agriculture. Among other things, consumers and producers were asked about their views on environmentally sustainable agriculture, consumer preferences and assurance systems, supporting sustainable agriculture and food waste. 

See the Key Findings or Read the Report 

Transport Rest Stops
The changes that came into place in February of 2020 related to 
transport rest stops during the transportation of animals are being actively enforced. The Beef Cattle Research Council shared an article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen questioning the benefit of these rest stops on weaned calves. Read the full article, Strike Three? Transport Rest Stops Still Don't Show a Benefit for Weaned Calves.

Over 50 Communities to Receive Broadband Funding

The governments of Canada and Alberta are investing $70.6 million to connect more than 10,400 homes across the province to high-speed internet. This is the first funding allocation by the governments of Alberta and Canada for projects that qualify for the Universal Broadband Fund (UBF). See the full announcement here


Government of Canada is looking for input on the Next Agricultural Policy Framework

The Next Policy Framework (NPF) is a five-year (2023–2028) investment by federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments to strengthen and grow Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector. It will replace the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), which ends March 31, 2023.
Learn More and Participate in the Conversation

Nominations are open
Alberta Beef Producers (ABP), Alberta Canola, Alberta Barley, and the Alberta Wheat Commission are all looking for people to join their boards. See all the opportunities below:

Learn more the Alberta Beef Producers opportunity

Learn more about the Alberta Canola opportunity

Learn more about the Alberta Wheat Commission opportunity

Learn more about the Alberta Barley opportunity 

Funding Updates

1. Agricultural Climate Solutions On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF):  The Agricultural Climate Solutions On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) is an initiative to help farmers tackle climate change. Funding for this project (in part) has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Agricultural Climate Solutions – On-Farm Climate Action Fund. Applications close November 7, 2022.

2. Tax relief for Prairie livestock producers facing the impacts of extreme weather
The Livestock Tax Deferral provision allows livestock producers who are forced to sell a significant amount of their breeding herd due to drought or flooding to defer a portion of their income from sales until the following tax year. The income may be at least partially offset by the cost of reacquiring breeding animals, thereby reducing the potential tax burden associated with the original sale.

3.  Agricultural producers interest relief: 
In response to rising input costs and to help ensure farmers have access to cash flow to cover crop-related expenses, Agriculture Canada recently announced that the interest-free portion of the Advance Payments Program will increase from $100,000 to $250,000 for the 2022 and 2023 program years. As a result, participating producers will save on average $5,500 in interest costs over the next two years. This change will represent total savings of up to $61 million over 2 years for approximately 11,000 producers.

4. AFSC has lending options for cattle producers 
AFSC made some interim changes to their loan processes to ensure Alberta’s cattle producers have access to the capital they need to maintain their herds and operations. These changes include quick processing of loans up to $200,000, interest-only payments for up to 24 months, up to 60 month loan amortization, and flexible collateral considerations.

5. Alberta Innovates Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program
The Agri-Food and Bioindustrial Innovation Program (ABIF) supports projects that develop and advance technologies that increase productivity, enhance competitiveness, boost the value of agriculture and forestry commodities, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Strategic focus areas include: data and digital solutions; autonomous systems; agricultural biotechnology; food processing innovation; biofibre utilization; value-added biomass; and green construction. The program is open to small and medium-sized enterprises, industry organizations, research and development organizations, post-secondary institutions and government research laboratories. 

6. Agricultural Clean Technology Program
The new Agricultural Clean Technology (ACT) Program aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector. The ACT Program offers support under 2 streams, a Research and Innovation Stream and an Adoption Stream.

7. FarmCash Cash Advance ProgramMany producers use the Advance Payments Program annually to finance their crop or livestock inputs, but FarmCash can also help to improve the farm's profitability throughout the year. The key is cash flow management. FarmCash application deadlines:

  • Fall application takes place September 1, 2022 through March 15, 2023

8. Advance Payments Program: The Advance Payments Program is a federal loan guarantee program which provides agricultural producers with easy access to low-interest cash advances. On June 23, 2022, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food announced a temporary increase to the interest-free limit for advances under the Advance Payments Program (APP). The change will make the purchase of important inputs such as fuel, fertilizer and seed more affordable for producers.

9. THRIVE Academy: The THRIVE Academy is 12-week agri-food tech pre-accelerator program for idea stage entrepreneurs, early-stage startups and researchers looking to commercialize their innovations. The immersive program will help you de-risk and validate your idea while preparing you to raise capital alongside building your go to market strategy.

Labour Resources

  1. Agriculture Job Connector: 
  2. Chamber Agriculture Labour survey
  3. Riipen Rural Rootsa collaborative program in partnership with Alberta-based Rural Development Network, Portage College, Mount Royal University, Medicine Hat College, and MacEwan University. The focus of this new program is to connect rural businesses and non-profits across Canada with post-secondary learners to advance their labour market and workforce skills through short-term virtual WIL projects. Read more
  4.  Olds College is excited to announce the approval of a new Bachelor of Digital Agriculture Degree. Offered through the College’s Werklund School of Agriculture Technology, the first intake of students in the Digital Ag degree will be on campus for fall 2023. See the press release here.
  5.  Canada Alberta Jobs Grant The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees. Learn more

Additional Government & Industry News and Information

  • Consumer attitudes towards innovative agricultural technologies: the Government of Canada has released their survey and focus group results related to attitudes and perceptions toward emerging agricultural technologies and their applications in the sector. See more information.
  • Learn about the legalities of the food co-packing industry: In this webinar, participants will hear from Glenford Jameson, founder of G.S. Jameson & Company, a Canadian lawyer with significant industry experience in the food sector focused on corporate, commercial and regulatory issues faced by start-ups, not-for-profits, small and medium sized and multinational food companies. Glenford will focus on the legal aspects of the food co-packing industry including a brief overview of the top legal issues identified by this sector and he will provide insights on key written agreements. Sign up for the webinar put on by the Government of Alberta here
  • Insect Risk Updates: The Alberta Pest Monitoring Network provides timely, accurate insect management resources to help monitor crop pests in Alberta ensuring crop quality and market access. This includes live insect survey and population maps for bertha armyworm, cutworm and diamondback moth. Check out the maps and see the risk level in your area
  • Harvest Sample Program: The Harvest Sample Program is a voluntary program for Canadian grain producers. When you sign up, you’ll receive a Harvest Sample kit annually that contains envelopes for sending in samples of your crop at no cost to you. Samples are collected until November 30. Learn more
  • Hemp Fiber Variety Testing in Alberta: This value-added research project, led by Canadian Rockies Hemp Corp, will work in collaboration with the University of Alberta, Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance, Alberta Hemp Alliance, and Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development, to help hemp producers accurately identify which fibre hemp varieties are best suited for production in Alberta. Results from this project will be vital to help expand the hemp industry across Alberta. Read more about this RDAR-funded project
  • Why count stems in the fall? Use a post-harvest stem count to calculate canola survival and compare results to spring plant counts. By collecting a few years’ worth of plant stand data and cross-referencing it with seeding rate, yield, seed quality and maturity records, farms can determine their most economic target plant stands and seeding rates. Read the article from Canola Watch here.
  • Alberta crop report as of October 11th, 2022 (Final Report for 2022): 
    Harvest is practically complete for the 2022 season; two to three weeks ahead of the 10-year average. Harvest is even ahead of last year, which was another advanced year with respect to harvest progress. Provincially, about 99 per cent of all crops have been harvested, 23 per cent ahead of the 5-year average (2017-2021) and 17 per cent ahead of the 10-year (2012-2021) average. Read the full crop report
  • New web tool makes it easier to find permits, licenses & approval information: The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is making it easier for individuals and businesses to find information on permits, licenses and approvals through a new web tool - the Permissions Finder. This tool helps businesses and individuals find the information they need when conducting import, export, or conduct domestic activity with food, plants or animals in Canada. Find the tool at
  • Farming the Web
    Looking to buy or sell products, services or equipment? Check out Farming the Web - the free, not-for-profit agriculture classifieds site that makes it simple to buy and sell locally. Powered by the Alberta Forage Industry Network, Farming the Web is used by producers, farmers and ranchers to get what they want from the people they trust.
    Check out Farming the Web
  • Invasive Plants of Alberta Identification Guide
    The revised version of the Invasive Plants of Alberta Identification Guide is complete. This is a detailed, illustrated guide to prohibited noxious, noxious and weed species of concern in Alberta.
    The latest edition will be available in mid-July.
    View the PDF version
    Check out the Alberta Invasive Species Council store
  • Weather and weather data at your fingertips - The Alberta Climate Information Service (ACIS) provides the forecast, weather alerts, radar and more importantly, the past weather. Virginia Nelson, director, Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development, says this information is often missing from today’s ‘run of the mill’ weather apps. With ACIS, Albertans can access the forecast, weather alerts, radar, the past weather, and even look at 60-year climate trends.
    Read the article
  • Alberta Soil Moisture Information: Moisture situation updates from the team at Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development's Agrometeorology Applications and Modelling Unit can be found here.
    Read the latest update
  • Weekly Livestock Market Review: see the current and historic livestock market reviews here.
  • Weekly Crop Market Review: see the current and historic crop market reviews here.


Nominate someone for the 2023 Pulse Industry Innovator Award

An industry innovator is a person or organization that has worked to help nurture and shape the pulse industry and has helped contribute to the success of the industry. Innovators may have contributed to the industry through various areas from production, marketing, research, extension and processing, to management, promotion and innovation. Nominations will be accepted until December 6, 2022. Read more.

BCRC 2022/2023 Webinar Series 

This year’s Beef Cattle Research Council webinar series will cover a range of topics all focused on practical, science-based information for Canadian beef producers. Topics include the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network, opportunities and limitations in nutrition and feed management and record keeping. See webinar descriptions and register.

Your Path to Farm Transition Event Series

Join Farm Credit Canada (FCC) for a 9-part virtual event series on farm transition running from July 12, 2022 to March 14, 2023. Hosted by FCC business advisors and guest experts, each month will feature a new topic, highlighting a different step in the transition process. Register for all events in the series or register for individual events.

5th Annual Prairie Cereals Summit

The Prairie Cereals Summit is taking place this year from December 7th-9th at the Fairmont Banff Springs. With a dynamic line-up of speakers, networking opportunities, and mountain views, this agriculture conference will be worth attending! Learn more.

Global Crop Production Virtual Conference

It’s your chance to hear speakers from around the world highlight advances in agriculture practice, technology and issues. Farming Smarter believes we can learn and adapt the knowledge to benefit local farmers. Join the conference on PheedLoop for a great day at a virtual convention! Learn about agriculture from around the globe, all in the comfort of your home! Learn more.

Other Resources

If you know of someone who may be interested in the work we are doing and might be interested in investing in this work through membership, please feel free to refer them to us. You can also encourage others to subscribe to our agriculture updates through this page. We look forward to continuing our work with you and pushing for our collective priorities on your behalf. 

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