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Board Member

Board Member

Volunteer Opportunities Non-Profit and Social Services Human Resources Healthcare Executive and Management Consulting Services

Want to make a difference in your community? 

SafeLink Alberta is seeking diverse individuals to join our volunteer Board of Directors. We have three open positions and welcome applicants from various backgrounds, with a particular interest in those with expertise in government relations, non-profit leadership, Indigenous community members, and individuals from the Medicine Hat area.

If you reside in Medicine Hat, have lived experience as a member of one of our priority populations, or have experience serving on a non-profit governance board, this is a great opportunity to contribute your skills to an established organization.

Time Commitment:

- Time commitment is approximately 5-10 hours per month.

- Board meetings are generally held on Tuesday evenings once per month. Times for committee meetings and other events vary.

- A Director is elected by the membership at the AGM for a two-year term and may serve for a maximum of three terms (six years).


• Commitment to the vision and mission of SafeLink Alberta

• A Director endeavors to be informed on the scope of organizational matters and participates critically, from a knowledge base, in Board deliberations and decisions in matters of policy, finance, programs, and advocacy.

• Approve, where appropriate, strategic directions, policy and other recommendations received from the Board, its standing and ad hoc committees, and the Executive Director.

• Monitor the Board’s strategic plan and policies and review the bylaws.

• Participate in advocacy and development activities.

• Approve the yearly budget.

• Approve the hiring and release of the Executive Director.

• Support the Executive Director.

• Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board, committees, staff members, volunteers, funders, supporters and the community at large to enhance SafeLink Alberta mission.

• Board members are expected to regularly attend meetings of the Board, contribute to committee or project work on a regular basis, attend the AGM or other general meetings as called, be (or become) familiar with the features of a policy governance Board and take advantage of orientations and workshops.

• Support fundraising efforts, such as yearly donation programs.

• Respect SafeLink Alberta’s confidentiality policy and represent the organization in a professional and respectful manner while working with the community.


• Comfort talking about sexuality and substance use in a wide range of settings and cultures.

• Open to working with a team of volunteers in a diverse setting.

• Must possess strong communication, leadership and advocacy skills.

• Previous experience with not for profit, other boards or committees is an advantage.

• A background in a medical or health profession, non-profit governance, research/education, finance, marketing, law, or human resources is an asset.


• Board of Directors Orientation.

• Other Training Sessions on applicable subject matter.


• Participate in leadership roles, on the Executive committee or leading or chairing other work.

• Be an integral part of decision making for a leading non-profit agency in Alberta.

• Gain committee experience and the opportunity to network.

• Volunteer hours and participation will be tracked and can be provided by the Administrative Coordinator for various purposes required by the volunteer, such as references (after completing 30 hours of volunteering).

• Opportunity to develop public speaking skills.

• Invitations to volunteer appreciation events, special agency events or workshops, and community celebrations.

• Receive the SafeLink Alberta newsletter and Volunteer newsletter.

Application Requirements: 

• Volunteer application

• Submit a letter of interest

• Submit a CV

• Interview with the recruitment committee of the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director

• Police Background Check

• Read and sign a Volunteer Agreement and Oath of Confidentiality

If you are interested, please submit your CV and cover letter to:

Application deadline - March 31st, 2025. 

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