Extended Family Services Inc.
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Extended Family Services Inc.
Assisted Living Health Care
At Extended Family Services, our deepest desire is to enhance the lives of those we are priviledged to work along side of by providing meaningful and personalized services that improve the overall quality of life.
Extended Family Services Inc. was formed to fill a growing and important need in our community. That need is the additional care and attention of our aging population requires and deserves in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. Whether help is needed to enable loved ones to remain living successfully in their own homes or for companionship and meaningful interaction while living in a retirement home setting, Extended Family is there to provide loving and trustworthy care.
We are truly excited to be able to provide services to those in our community who will benefit form Extended Family's services. Please feel free to call for an appointment to discuss the many possibilities and ways we can serve you or a loved one.
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