New Light Laser & Aesthetics

New Light Laser & Aesthetics
John Jeffery
Area(s) of Expertise or Expert topic area:
- Women’s Health
Bio: Dr. Jeffrey obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Calgary, followed by a year of internship, then a four year residency program specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has been certified as a specialist since 1987. He has been in Medicine Hat since 1991 – it’s become home for him and his family and has successfully delivered over 10,000 thousand babies.
As Medicine Hat’s originally trained laser surgeon in the 80’s, the transition into the field of Aesthetic medicine was a natural one. He attended the well-respected Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada conference in Banff, AB. The conference applied greatly to his practice and he believed his patients would benefit from the additions of the MonaLisa Touch. He found that patients often don’t volunteer information about the symptoms of Menopause they are experiencing. Knowing there is something they can do about it, patients now feel okay to talk about it. This conversation leads to an improved quality of life for the patient.
He also brought in a device called SculpSure. A common complaint from his patients is changes in their body and the accumulation of unwanted pockets of fat. The most common being “mommy tummy”. SculpSure was an obvious choice with a broad patient selection, targeted for (almost) anybody. Since being introduced to CynoSure his aesthetic clinic - New Light Laser & Aesthetics- has been on the forefront of Aesthetics in Medicine Hat and has grown to have 7 aesthetic devices that are all relevant to women’s health and skin concerns. “At New Light Laser & Aesthetics we treat people as individuals and work together towards their goals. The incredible staff here create a warm and welcoming atmosphere to ensure patients feel comfortable. Respect and dignity are extremely important to us”.
Besides being the head of Obstetrics and Gynecology for SouthEastern Alberta, running a full time Aesthetics clinic, as well as his own practice, JJ’s hobbies have included sports cars and flying airplanes. He has piloted a fully-aerobatic Pitts two-seater biplane that’s meant to fly in any condition other than straight and level. He was also into skydiving in the 80's.